Ko te ahurei o te tamaita aroha mahi
“Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work”
At The Ridge Childcare, we provide a welcoming home away from home, a sense of mana whenua (belonging) for our tamariki. Warmth, trust and aroha are woven into the fabric of our philosophy.
We are a community of learners where we all learn from each other.
Our team are committed to developing a holistic approach to the education of your child.
We believe that reciprocal, meaningful relationships and communication with tamariki and their whanau are paramount in order to provide quality care and education to respond to your child’s individual needs.
Here at The Ridge Childcare, we pride ourselves on our huge natural outdoor play space which includes a purpose built whare which enriches our tamariki’s learning of Aotearoa and our culture within our beautiful country. Our different outdoor areas are developed and changed as the children discover new areas of their world.
We offer a high staff/child ratio of registered teachers – over 80 percent, well above MoE requirements. We follow the national curriculum known as Te Whariki and this forms the basis of our learning and developmental programmes.
If you would like to enrol your child at The Ridge Childcare please print off our Ridge Enrolment Form, fill it out and bring it into the centre or email it to info@theridgechildcare.co.nz